Our environmental commitment doesn’t stop at the raw materials we use: At Taifun, we take a holistic approach and place great value on creating products that benefit every person … read more
Smoked Tofu is one of Taifun’s most popular products. But how does it get it's smokey flavour? read more
We all work for our own good. But what does that really mean?
Tofu, or doufu in Mandarin Chinese, has a long history. It did in fact originate in China. read more
We find that the 5-colour nutrition label is well intended, but not well made. read more
Tofu has to taste good. Otherwise, there would be no joy in eating healthy and eco-friendly meals. read more
The Japanese use silken tofu in soups and also eat it chilled or lukewarm with soy sauce. In the western world, it has been cheerfully embraced as a substitute for dairy products … read more
In the UK, you can buy our tofu products in all Wholefoods, Planet Organic or Waitrose stores. Furthermore, almost every organic store sells them. The best way for you to find out … read more
We’d love to hear your questions and ideas!
Soybeans are our most important raw material, and they are crucial to the quality of our tofu. That’s why we are actively involved in soybean cultivation even before it starts. read more
Tofu is a bit like cheese, but different. OK, it’s actually totally different. But there are some similarities in how both are manufactured. read more
Why tofu is good for the environment
People who can’t eat gluten needn’t go without our tofu. read more
Anonymous supply chains? Not with us. We personally know each and every farmer who cultivates soybeans for Taifun. read more
Tofu is to Taifun as olives are to Epikouros. For the past 10 years, we have sourced the most important raw material for our “Tofu Olive” from that small organic company in the … read more
Thin plastic foil allows our tofu to maintain its aroma and keeps it fresh. That way, you can enjoy it for much longer. read more
Yes! Success! Soybean cultivation works here too, not just in Asia or America. We found that out thanks to a crisis. read more
As a valuable source of protein, tofu is a perfect part of a balanced diet. read more
The story of Taifun began 30 years ago with a trip and a meeting of two like-minded people. It was the 1980s, and the winds of change were blowing. More and more people took to … read more
From vegetable oil to beech wood - several dozen organic ingredients play a role in Taifun's everyday life. read more
“I want to keep the company stable and healthy for the long term and for many generations to come,” said Wolfgang Heck. Consequently, the co-founder of Taifun-Tofu transferred the … read more
You probably know the feeling: You’re approaching the refrigerated section full of anticipation, only to find that your favourite Taifun product is sold out. Yet again. read more
Plain tofu has become a regular part of everyday cooking for many people. No matter whether you’re in the mood for something savoury, sweet, spicy, or hot, our plain tofu goes … read more
Elias Public relations info@taifun-tofu.de
Taifun-Tofu GmbH Bebelstraße 8 79108 Freiburg +49 761 15210 0 info@taifun-tofu.de