Delicious olives from the hills of Greece
Tofu is to Taifun as olives are to Epikouros. For the past 10 years, we have sourced the most important raw material for our Tofu Olive (one of Taifun’s “Mediterranean” specialities) from that small organic company in the heart of Greece. The four agronomists of Epikouros have a genuine passion for olives and will not settle for anything but the best. They work in close partnership with 20 organic growers, providing guidance and expertise at every stage of cultivation.
The farmers’ olive groves are located in the region of Amphissa, about a three-hour drive from Athens.
»After the harvest in October and November, we wash, stone and debitter the olives.«
The debittering process takes six to eight months, depending on local climatic conditions, and it makes the Greek fruit palatable. The bitterness is removed by immersing the olives in water that is frequently changed.
Fresh olives despite their long journey
“We pack whole green olives in brine for transport,” Michalis Magourilos elaborates. That way, they arrive at our tofu manufacturing plant in Freiburg, Germany in fresh condition, even if the name of the table olive variety, “Konservoelia”, may suggest otherwise. There we mince and process about a tonne of olives per month. The aroma of olives sometimes wafts all the way up to our office corridors.
Epikouros has won awards for its olive oil, which we use in combination with Mediterranean herbs to complete the taste of our Tofu Olive. While gratified, the committed organic pioneers keep their feet firmly planted on the ground. Even in times when the organic sector is booming, they focus on maintaining a healthy rate of growth. At Taifun, we particularly value Epikouros for their great dependability and the consistently high quality of their products. Ultimately, everything at Epikouros revolves around the olive.