How to use silken tofu properly

  • 11 Mar 2021
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The Japanese use silken tofu in soups and also eat it chilled or lukewarm with soy sauce. In the western world, it has been cheerfully embraced as a substitute for dairy products such as yogurt and cream. Kinugoshi tofu is extremely multi-facetted: it is not only excellent when it comes to making delicate desserts and cakes, it is also a wonderful basis for savoury baked goods and dips. Its neutral flavour is its strength: silken tofu can be seasoned any way you wish and adapted to a wide range of culinary styles.

Here are some advices how to use silken tofu properly:

The best way to open the package is to use a sharp knife with a pointed tip to cut along the inside of the edge of the package. Remove the upper plastic foil and invert the contents of the package onto a plate.

After the package has been opened, transfer the silken tofu into an airtight container and keep it in the refrigerator. This will keep the silken tofu fresh for two to three days.

Silken tofu should not be frozen, since freezing it destroys its structure.

Despite the delicate consistency of silken tofu, it is often fried in Japanese cuisine. It is easier to fry silken tofu if it is first carefully cut into cubes and rolled in arrowroot flour.

Silken tofu originally hails from Japan, where it was long considered a highly esteemed delicacy. Only the best masters succeed in achieving such a smooth and delicate consistency in their tofu. Silken tofu got its name for a good reason: in Japanese, kinugoshi tofu means "silk-filtered tofu" and refers to the traditional method of wrapping tofu in silk cloth to shape it.